Stay tuned for a thread 🧵 on our encounter with an Antinuke indigenous people of USA who felt sorry for us but fell out of future proof reasons 2 substantiate her legitimate claims. This thread 🧵 will end with a link to d Podcast recording, though sketchy due to d exasperation

The @Nuclear4Climate & @Gen_Atomic delivery team members enthusiastically set out to distribute bananas 🍌, with a clear explanatory message. The eerie moment that unfolded by the door was totally unexpected..

She quipped, “what are these bananas 🍌 for?” While filming with a handheld device. I could sense the exasperation as it sent gitters to her hand. She continued filming with one hand while trying to keep other souvenirs she (must have) picked from @iaeaorg booth from falling off in her armpit.

The busy #nuclear4climate volunteers sharing the bananas quickly explained that, “the radiation from (Potassium-40 in) one banana is not upto that from living close to a nuclear power plant for one year. hoping she understands, the volunteers left but she continued interjecting, then we (I and Mahmoud Said) came in to calm her down, but she wouldn’t accept.

She kept repeating, “Do you know what happened in shinkolobwe?” After a few calming, she darted to the banana argument saying is it ionizing radiation? This time she was pointing the camera at me, then i started to explain about the effects interaction of radiation with human tissues. Radiation on their own are not dangerous it is only how they interact with these tissues that matter and those from a nuclear power plant are engineered to remain within the protected core.





